A place for my scribbles...poems, songs, stories, musings and ramblings.

A place for my scribbles...poems, songs, stories, musings and ramblings.

Monday, May 12, 2014

One more for the road...

"So make it one for my baby, and one more for the road."  ~The Chairman Of The Board, Frank Sinatra

Yeah, well, so my good buddy alcohol and I may have to separate for a little while.  Since Scott is in the clinical trial for Nilotinib, he isn't supposed to drink alcohol after starting it today.  Dr. Cote was pretty funny when we were there last month and first discussed drinking while on the drug.  He started by asking if Scott drank alcohol.  I piped up and answered, "Well, doc, we do live in the Keys so it's kind of a way of life." That got a big laugh, but then they started asking if rehab was needed... I had to retract my joke, and I hate having to retract jokes.  Damn doctors for not being able to take a joke.  He said he would prefer that Scott not drink while on the drug.  "Prefer" doesn't mean "NO" but, after today, Scott probably won't be drinking. I know he drank rum in the hotel last night, but as of today, for all intents and purposes, he won't be drinking alcohol until treatment is finished.

What about Suzi?...you may be asking... I know I am!  Out of respect, I will be seriously cutting back on my drinking.  I told Scott that I wasn't going to promise to tee total during all this, but I would cut back, and try not to drink in front of him, much.  I'm not even sure if alcohol is allowed in the Hope Lodge....probably not. I would guess most of the patients aren't allowed to drink.  And while the caretakers might NEED to drink, it's not about us, it's about the patients.

So, tonight while Scott is still in Boston, I'm gettin my drink on.  Cheers!

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